Thursday 25 August 2011

Litttle Miss sunshine clip!!

Hey everyone this is one of my favourite movies and heard this song today and everytime I hear it I just think of Abigail Breslin dancing to this towards the end of the film. Its such a memorable scene love it. This flim always makes me feel better after I watch it. Especially when the rest of her family join her and start dancing with her too lol!!


Wednesday 24 August 2011

Hitchcock the true master of Suspense!!

Alfred Hitchcock is known even today as the master of suspense. As a director he was able to unfold stories in a intriguing way and many of his films were about the psychological impact of events on his characters. 

Hitchcock was know for controversy and being ahead of his time. Films like the Birds and Psycho are still known today for being great thrillers of their time. Yes Hitchcock was good at making these types of movies but what about the darker elements of some of his films which still get people talking about him today.

Please see trailer for this movie Marnie below. 

Hitchcock introduces this movie and talks during the trailer some of the comments he makes along the way are quite amusing which makes it quite lighthearted. This film is far from lighthearted though, maybe this was his way of making it seem more appealing to audiences. Hitchcock seemed very fascinated by troubled characters and the complexity of difficult relationships. Marine is only one example of this.Other flims which deal with such themes include Rebecca,Suspicion and Shadow of a doubt.

Many film critics claim that Hitchcock was very interested in Psychological aspects of human behaviour. In Marine Sean Connery's character does at times seem to psychoanalyse Marnie's character. Whilst in Psycho the character of Norman Bates is disturbed because he isn't a rational person his mind his alternated because of a illness. Hitchcock embraced such characters and unique stories to portray what he believed was right. In the Marine Trailer the scene where Tippi Hedren was undressed it is suggested this is a supposed rape scene. A scene which the film's screenplay writer wanted removed but Hitchcock refused. For a film made in 1964 that's quite an advancement.

Bottom line is Hitchcock did create cinema history in different ways. There wasn't any film maker like him at his time and his movies always get you thinking about the themes presented and what we as humans are really like. Elements of good and Evil are within us all and his ability to show how someone ordinary can commit murder "Dial M for murder". To how if we become obsessed with someone its enough to change you into a very compulsive character i.e James Stewart in Vertigo. 

Hitchcock was great at creating atmosphere in many of his movies and the only film he actually won best picture oscar for was Rebecca. A flim which ouces with atmoshphere and captures the essence of the Dauphue Maurier novel. Flims such as 39 steps and Shadow of Doubt also show how well he caputred the spirit of atmosphere in his films. His use of imagery is something he still known for today and these are such some of films which demonstrate this.

Whatever images you take away from a Hitchcock film some of the scenes he has created in cinema are and still remain iconic and these are some of images (see below ) That I think of as truely memorable .  


Movie blogging

Hey Everyone have started a movie Blog. Its just a way of exploring some of the great movies that we have out there. I want to look at old and new movies as well as discuss future ones. My first proper post will follow shortly. I Hope you enjoy reading the posts. If you don't agree with anything I say that's cool give your opinions please. Also if you want to recommend any great movies to see please do so. My aim isn't to say wow this film was so amazing if I have seen one that is lol but to talk about directors or times within cinema that people should know about or even explore seeing etc. I probably won't be talking about any horror movies though its not really my favourite genre but if you know of any good ones please let me know as always open to trying any movie a go. Also this about appreciating the finer moments in cinema because I really enjoy watching films and this blog is about celebrating that!!

Oh just to get the ball rolling please see the trailer below enjoy :))!! This was one of the shorter clips I found.