Wednesday 24 August 2011

Movie blogging

Hey Everyone have started a movie Blog. Its just a way of exploring some of the great movies that we have out there. I want to look at old and new movies as well as discuss future ones. My first proper post will follow shortly. I Hope you enjoy reading the posts. If you don't agree with anything I say that's cool give your opinions please. Also if you want to recommend any great movies to see please do so. My aim isn't to say wow this film was so amazing if I have seen one that is lol but to talk about directors or times within cinema that people should know about or even explore seeing etc. I probably won't be talking about any horror movies though its not really my favourite genre but if you know of any good ones please let me know as always open to trying any movie a go. Also this about appreciating the finer moments in cinema because I really enjoy watching films and this blog is about celebrating that!!

Oh just to get the ball rolling please see the trailer below enjoy :))!! This was one of the shorter clips I found.

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